Dove Creek Painting is a second-generation, family-owned business that has been serving the Comox Valley and the surrounding area since 1993.
With decades of experience and expertise between Rob and his team, they take pride in the quality and honesty of their work.
Residential Painting
We can provide interior painting for newly built homes, renovations or if a sprucing up is needed.
We can provide exterior painting. The timeline in the Comox Valley is limited, so make sure you book well in advance.
We can do custom wallpaper applications and removal.
We can do custom staining projects like handrails, etc.
Commercial Painting
We can provide professional paining for you business.
We can provide your business with exterior painting weather to freshen up or staining signs, etc.
Item description
Doors, Custom staining and more
We can customer stain and paint doors. We can do almost any type of door, just contact us for more information.
We can also do kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
We can paint and stain fences. Timeline of this can be limited though.